10 tips for Well-being at Every Age

Third age is a challenging phase, considering that aging brings with it several physiological changes, such as reduced mobility and flexibility , loss of muscle strength, bone weakening, among others. However, this does not mean that old age has to be lived with loneliness and discouragement, as it is possible to acquire greater health and well-being through habits that make life more active.

With this in mind, we created this content to present some tips on what can be done to achieve a better quality of life and a pleasant old age . Check out!

1. Practice physical activities

Light and regular physical exercise can contribute to the prevention of heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, osteoporosis, among others. Furthermore, during activities, the body releases serotonin, which is the hormone responsible for regulating mood and preventing stress, depression, etc. Among the healthiest options for the elderly, we can point out walking, Pilates, water aerobics and stretching .

However, before starting any exercise, the ideal is to consult a doctor to carry out a thorough assessment and thus identify your capabilities and recommend the best alternative according to your clinical situation.

2. Have leisure time for Well-being

When a person does what they like, the brain releases the well-being hormone, which provides a significant improvement in memory, mood and ability to concentrate , in addition to making days happier and lighter. So why not invest in this, right?


Keeping your daily life busy through hobbies is a good measure to maintain mental health. In this case, it is possible to read newspapers, practice crosswords, invest in games, watch good films, take a walk in the park, among other activities . Any of these options are welcome to keep your brain active.

4. Bet on a good night’s sleep

Maintaining quality sleep is essential for elderly people. This is because, when sleeping, it is possible to relax your muscles and improve your memory. It’s important to keep in mind that sleeping poorly can have long-term consequences, such as malaise, memory loss, anxiety and high blood pressure .

5. Eat healthy for Well-being

With advancing age, metabolism and hormonal functions change and some nutritional needs are affected. So, the tip is to maintain a balanced and healthy diet, balancing vitamins, proteins, iron, carbohydrates and other nutrients that stimulate immunity, preserve and strengthen muscles and control diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and osteoporosis.

Removing salt, sodas and abundance sugar is additionally significant. Be that as it may, then again, it is important to put resources into the admission of organic products, vegetables, vegetables, strands and tubers, which are fundamental for the legitimate working of the body.

6. Drink lots of water


Another tip to keep your life more active is to drink at least two liters of water a day, as it is essential for the body to function well and toxins to be eliminated . When the indicated amount of water is ingested, it is possible to regulate body temperature and balance blood circulation, necessary to provide the body with energy and energy.

Furthermore, water consumption favors the reduction of sugar levels, healthy weight loss and the minimization of the risk of diseases, such as kidney problems and diabetes.

7. Invest in healthy habits for Well-being

In addition to taking care of your diet , getting a good night’s sleep, drinking water and practicing physical activities, it is necessary to avoid smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages, which can cause problems in various systems of the human body. It is also important to get a few minutes of sunlight daily to metabolize vitamin D, preferably between the hours of 10am and 4pm.

Therefore, these healthy habits cannot be left aside, considering that they have a direct impact on quality of life and activity in old age.

8. Take care of your social life

Social interaction is extremely important for the elderly, as it brings more fulfillment to the routine of older individuals.


Regardless of whether relatives, like youngsters and grandkids, are not as close, investing quality energy with these people is significant. All things considered, reinforcing this relationship creates extraordinary impacts on well-being, as well as assisting with mental issues. Thusly, one thought is to hold occasional gatherings or, in any event, keep in touch by telephone. Along these lines, the older don’t feel so alone.


Long-time friends also need to be around, mainly due to the fact that, as they are also in old age, they need social interaction and company. So, how about visiting each other’s houses, going for a walk or putting into practice other activities that can generate the strengthening of social ties?

New friendships

It’s also great to look for new friendships, as meeting other people provides a unique perspective on this stage of life, in addition to keeping your social interest active. To achieve this, seniors can join activity groups aimed at seniors . The aim is to keep this interest in meeting people and establishing relationships alive for a more active life.

9. Do readings


Reading is a strong ally to prevent degenerative diseases in old age , as well as providing health for the body and mind. This is because it stimulates brain function and memory. It also develops creativity, expands understanding of the world, enriches vocabulary, improves self-esteem, minimizes stress and other advantages.

10. See a doctor regularly for Well-being

Regular consultations and medical examinations help to avoid many problems. Therefore, the ideal is to look for a good geriatrician to monitor your health . He will carry out the necessary assessments, order the appropriate exams, carry out early diagnoses and advise on how to take better care of yourself.

As you can see, it is possible to have a more active life and age healthily and with quality, in addition to preventing the changes that occur naturally in the body from generating limitations that prevent the elderly from living well. So, don’t wait any longer to put the tips presented into practice.

Read also: What is Balanced Nutrition for Wellbeing?

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