What is Balanced Nutrition for Wellbeing?

It is possible to define a balanced diet as the habit of eating more complete, diverse and natural meals, composed of ingredients capable of providing all the essential nutrients for the healthy functioning of the body, in adequate concentrations.

This means that a balanced diet is made up of more varied and “colorful” dishes, containing foods that belong to the most important groups and recognizing those with lower nutritional value or of lesser importance, indicating a reduction in the quantity ingested, without this being a restriction. complete.

Therefore, having a balanced diet does not mean saying goodbye to sweets, fried foods and other delicious foods, but reducing the consumption of options that have a lower concentration of vitamins and minerals or that can cause negative effects on the body if consumed in excess.

What are the food groups?

The classification of food groups can be done as follows:

  • Cereals : foods such as rice, cassava, potatoes, bread and pasta are rich in carbohydrates and important sources of energy for the body;
  • Fruits : serve as a source of fiber, vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients for the body. They are widely known as foods to prevent flu and other diseases due to this nutritional value;
  • Vegetables : are legumes and vegetables that, like fruits, serve mainly as a source of essential nutrients to stimulate and maintain biological functions at healthy levels;
  • Milk and dairy products : they are sources of minerals, such as calcium, fats and proteins. Foods with a lower fat content, such as skimmed foods, are more recommended, but traditional versions should also be consumed, as long as they are in moderation;
  • Meat : this group includes beef, fish and chicken, which are sources of animal proteins, as well as highly important vitamins and minerals, such as B12 and iron. Proteins are essential for the body’s defense and help in the production of enzymes and hormones;
  • Legumes : foods such as beans, chickpeas, soybeans and lentils are important vegetable sources of proteins, vitamins, antioxidant minerals and unsaturated fats;
  • Fats : are divided into vegetable origin, which include olive oil, soybean oil, coconut oil and oilseeds (nuts, walnuts, almonds, etc.), and animal origin, which include butter and pork lard. Both serve as a source and reserve of energy and calories, but animal fats are rich in cholesterol and can cause problems for cardiovascular health;
  • Sugars : sugar provides energy for the body, but its consumption must be reduced to avoid problems such as obesity and diabetes.

What to eat to maintain a balanced diet?


Eating great isn’t really connected to how much food you eat. Everything depends on adjusted and shifted food utilization, as a matter of fact. The more variety on the plate, the better.

It is prescribed to devour somewhere around one piece of every food level day to day: developers (proteins), controllers (nutrients, fiber and minerals) and energetics (carbs and lipids).

Some examples of foods from each level:

  • Constructors : milk, eggs, cheese, meat, fish, chicken, soy, lentils, peas and beans;
  •  Regulators : vegetables, fruits and vegetables;
  •  Energy sources : bread, pasta, corn, rice, potatoes, sugar, flour and honey.

Tips for having a healthy and balanced diet


Having a balanced diet is a matter of habit. The offer of processed foods, fast foods and sweets is large and convenient, but it is important to focus on health and seek a more balanced and natural diet.
Below are some tips for eating healthier:

1 – Plan your meals in advance for Balanced diet

The habit of planning meals in advance is very important, as it allows people to prepare meals based on the main food groups, ensuring that everything they need for a healthy life is on their plate.

2 – Avoid spending long periods without eating anything

As hunger increases, anyone becomes more likely to make mistakes and overdo it, so it is good to avoid long periods of fasting. Therefore, it is recommended to take a snack or snack to eat in small portions, at intervals of approximately three hours.

3 – Avoid processed foods and prefer fresh options

Processed foods tend to offer less nutritional value compared to other natural options, in addition to containing preservatives, dyes, additives and other chemical compounds with potential harm to health. Therefore, a balanced diet prioritizes natural and freshly prepared alternatives.

4 – Associate your diet with other healthy practices

Just like having a support group, adopting more healthy habits along with a balanced diet can encourage and facilitate achieving notable results.

5 – Divide the dish into four parts

By dividing the plate into four parts, it becomes much easier to have a balanced diet:

One part must be composed of carbohydrates;
01 part must provide proteins;
The other two parts must be composed of sources of vitamins, minerals and fiber.

6 – Drink plenty of water

It is essential not to exchange water intake for any other liquid. Ideally, each person should drink at least two liters of water per day.

Juices can also be allies in a balanced diet, as long as they are free of sugar or artificial sweeteners.

What are the benefits of Balanced diet?


In addition to being good for the body and helping to stay in shape, a healthy diet acts on the mind, leaving people more willing, focused and in a good mood to face the routine.

Although it is not simple to start a process of dietary re-education, with the help of a nutritionist and motivation, it is possible to find balance and have increasingly better health and quality of life.

Below are some benefits of incorporating a balanced diet into your daily life:

1 – Maintains the proper functioning of the body

Energy is vital to maintain all the body’s activities. This means that you need to eat foods that provide the necessary fuel to make everything work.

2 – Balanced diet Prevents diseases

A balanced, nutrient-rich diet prevents several serious and chronic diseases, such as hypertension, diabetes, gastritis, allergies, among others.

3 – Improves quality of life

By changing your diet and maintaining regular consumption of adequate nutrients, you can see a noticeable improvement in your quality of life. Therefore, the ideal is to prefer natural foods and a healthy lifestyle, peeling more and unpacking less.

4 – Increases mood and energy

You know that popular saying “an empty bag doesn’t stay upright”? He is the purest truth. Eating properly brings more energy to the body and mind to face everyday tasks. This is because those who eat well clearly have more energy.

5 – Benefits the quality of sleep

Changing your diet can help those who have trouble sleeping to free themselves from insomnia.

It’s a good idea to avoid eating large portions of food at night and prefer to eat something light before bed, always trying to have an early dinner.

6 – Balanced diet Helps with weight control

It is important to say that to lose weight it is not enough to just diet, you need a combination of different factors for weight loss to happen in a healthy and permanent way.
Food, physical exercise, a good night’s sleep and up-to-date medical exams are some important points for creating a new lifestyle.

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