10 tips on how to promote well-being at work for employees

Promoting well-being at work for employees is not impossible. It is enough that the planning is well outlined, that decisions are made based on empathy and care and that the company provides the infrastructure for its implementation.

What may be missing, perhaps, are ideas of attitudes and practical activities to insert into work relationships. But don’t worry, with these 10 tips, you’ll have a good basis for quickly improving the well-being of your professionals.

10 tips on how to promote well-being at work for employees

1. Create workshops and talks to promote the importance of mental health

It is not enough that the importance of mental health is just a medical recommendation, or that it is in the company’s best practices booklet. The subject needs to be added to the meeting agendas and widely disseminated by sector leaders.

For this, the best tool is to add workshops and lectures on mental health and encourage employees to attend them. More than that, promoting a culture of free communication and sponsorship can make a difference.

2. Carry out climate and satisfaction surveys


Often, dissatisfied employees do not claim their rights. This occurs due to the fear of losing their job, being judged by their peers or even not knowing how to express their discontent.

A good way to give professionals a voice is through climate and satisfaction surveys . When the company institutionalizes the debate and demonstrates openness to criticism, the worker feels empowered to become an active agent of change.

3. Work on employee voice

And speaking of giving employees a voice, employee voice is a way of facilitating the communication process within the company.

It consists of promoting communication between employees and the employer and collective participation in company decisions. Bottom-up problem solving is encouraged, that is, employees are the first to present viable solutions.

4. Have a culture of recurring feedback


Feedback is not just a buzzword; It is an essential tool for refining work relationships and guiding employees in the direction the company wants.

By establishing a culture of recurring feedback, it is possible to provide the team with a culture of professional development based on the constructive vision of others.

It is critical to emphasise that negative feedback, or input based on the reverse psychology approach, does not create the intended consequences. To attain work well-being, comments must come from a caring and positive perspective.

5. Promote the practice of gymnastics for well-being at work

Another very important point when it comes to employee well-being is their physical health. Encouraging physical exercise can begin with gymnastics at work . For this, a few minutes during working hours will be enough.

In addition to promoting stretching and physical conditioning, workplace gymnastics can also help with the damage caused by ergonomic problems in the workplace, such as uncomfortable chairs, the position of the keyboard and the lack of foot support.

6. Promote moments of relaxation and breaks for well-being at work

One of the ways to humanize work relationships and value the individualities of your employees is to promote moments of breathing in the company.

Google, for example, is a reference in the culture of employee satisfaction by promoting spaces for recreation and relaxation in its offices.

This can be achieved by encouraging games, cooperative activities, conversation circles and encouraging coffee breaks throughout the workday.

7. Have a good career plan


Remember that employees have their own ambitions and desires, which precede their entry into the company and can easily be aligned with your objectives and goals. Therefore, having a good career plan is essential.

Internal promotions, salary upgrades, recognition based on merit and length of service are some ways to boost your employees’ careers. Thus, the feeling of belonging increases and the employee “wears the company’s shirt”.

8. Take care of your financial situation.

In addition to the career plan, it is critical to ensure that your employees are happy with their pay. One way to ensure that payments are fair is to consult the company’s  Position and Salary Plan (PCS) .

When employees feel economically supported, they do not think about accepting proposals from competitors, which reduces turnover . In addition, he also feels more engaged when working, reducing presenteeism rates .

9. Have a flexible schedule culture

One of the most harmful legacies of past work relationships is excessive rigidity. It is understood that, by subjecting the employee to a meticulous schedule regime, he will be more productive.

10. Encourage interaction between teams and employees


The main mechanism for promoting well-being at work is remembering that human beings are social creatures. Therefore, encouraging interaction between teams yields good results, such as optimizing communication between sectors and greater collective decision-making.

The company is a puzzle that forms a single image. Therefore, it doesn’t make sense to separate your pieces and treat them as if they were individual images. Encouraging collaboration and partnership is a way to build this group awareness.

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