PILATES VS WEIGHT TRAINING – The weight training and Pilates method is different approach for strengthening that both provide amazing advantages for wellbeing and health. Although it is well known that training for strength builds muscle but it also offers an impressive array of benefits that include an increase in bone density, better well being, lower chance for injury, greater movement… list of benefits goes on.

Pilates has been practiced for long time, but it lately it has gained traction. If youre short on time or youre novice to fitness and youre unsure which is better to devote your time and energy to Pilates or weight training If so, youre probably thinking about which method of exercise to choose. This is where Personal Trainer and Pilates expert Gemma OHare answers some of most commonly asked concerns from those who are choosing between these two options.



Pilates is strengthening and flexible form of exercise that concentrates on controlled movement to improve mobility, muscle strength and posture. practice is often compared with yoga however it does have some important variations, like emphasis on core as well as abdominal area & an entirely different method of breathing. Take look at our article on what is distinction between yoga and Pilates to learn more about differences.

A few of advantages of Pilates include expanding your range of motion within your joints, strengthening and more flexible muscles, enhancing mobility and flexibility, as well as alleviating symptoms on Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS). Pilates can also help increase flexibility of spine by moving back in all directions of movement, such as flexion extension, lateral and even rotation. ability to move your spine through every direction and in all ranges of movement is crucial in order to keep your mobility up and running throughout your lifetime.


Like title suggests term  weight training  refers to exercise that involves additional weights, be it use of handheld weights, such as dumbbells and kettlebells, or larger objects like barbell, medicine ball or weight sledge equipment for resistance like chest presses or hamstring curl. types of workouts mentioned tend to be designed with intention of increasing strength, building muscles & enhancing posture.


Benefits of Strength Training

Training for strength can provide variety of physical and mental health advantages. Here are few of best benefits from exercise for strength, as per experts.

Increase Muscle Size and Strength

Training for strength can build muscle strength and size as per doctor Dr. Matarazzo. Also, it can increase power of your body  the combination of strength and speed will help those who train to excel in sports and other sports.

The research also suggests that training for strength could lead to greater increase in muscle (hypertrophy) in conjunction with right food plan and enough rest.

Improve Cardiovascular Health

Strength training is great way to increase cardiovascular performance by enhancing lungs and heart because heart muscle that needs regular exercise for strength and health according to Dr. Matarazzo.

Regular training for strength can improve aerobic endurance, which means people can perform exercise for longer period of time and not feel exhausted. Studies suggest that strength training may lower resting blood pressure and cholesterol levels & risk of heart disease too.

Increase Bone Density

Training for strength can boost bone density & also reduce loss of bone mass by helping boost bone growth and improve strength of bones already in place According to Dr. Matarazzo. In order to achieve optimal results when regards bone health, researchers recommend practice of strength training twice every week.

Bone density, or quantity of minerals present in bones, is vital in preventing fractures as well as bone related ailments like osteoporosis. Patients who are at higher risk for osteoporosis, for instance women who are postmenopausal or use tobacco products, ought to take into consideration adding strength training in your exercise regimen.

Stabilize and Protect Joints

Health of joints is vital to being active and maintaining well balanced life style. Training for strength can improve strength and stability of joints. This will help prevent injuries as well as improve general function, says doctor Dr. Siddarth Freelancer.

The practice of strengthening can enhance balance and posture, because joints get stronger according to Siddarth Freelancer.. an orthopedic specialist and surgeon who works at Northside Hospital in Atlanta.

Reduce Body Fat

Reduced bodys fat levels is another advantage from strength training, particularly when it is combined with aerobic exercises along with healthy and balanced diet claims Dr. Middleton. research suggests that strengthening exercises help body shed calories both during and following exercise. This is which is known as post exercise ozone consumption (EPOC) which allows your body to burn off more calories throughout all duration of the. research also suggests that workouts like high intensity interval exercise (HIIT) as well as sprint interval training (SIT) might help in activating EPOC.

Additionally, strength training will help to lower body fat through improving metabolic rate of person. Because muscle tissue is more energetic than fat tissue. Those with more muscles tend to be more metabolically active. increase in metabolic rate can impact your bodys shape as well.

Support Mental Well being

Based on research from 2021 from International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Strength training is great way to improve mental health, by reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety[11.

The practice of strength training is an effective form of self care as per Luke Zocchi, author and director of training at Centr, which is digital wellness training, fitness and mental health program. connection between mind and body that is utilized in exercise of strength can boost feelings of self confidence and boost mood & increase brain power according to him.

Improve Sleep Quality

Studies suggest that strength training may enhance sleep quality as well, which is crucial for mental and physical health and can help decrease tiredness and improve overall energy levels during day.

Training for strength regularly can assist body to adjust to normal sleeping routine and reduce stiffness and pain which can disrupt sleep According to Danielle Gray, trainer and founder of Train Like Gymnast online platform that provides community of former gymnasts or dancers.

The training for strength shouldnt be done within first first 90 minutes before getting to bed because intensive workouts can hinder people to sleep According to studies.


Both Pilates as well as weight training will assist in enhancing your fitness level, but which is most effective will depend on definition you have of fitness.

If you are just looking to keep your body active and in good health, its either good. Assuming your idea of fitness includes lifting weights that are heavy and hypertrophy of muscles, then exercise is best in achieving these goals. Also if improving mobility and strength of core is more important, Pilates is better.

While both kinds of exercise are able to work your cardiovascular system and reduce calories to some extent, certain activities such as cycling, running, HIIT and cycling are more suitable for type of fitness you want to achieve and if your concept of fitness involves an increase in heart rate as well as great deal of sweat, then youll need to consider cardio exercises.


Both Pilates and weight training help build muscles, however which is more effective will depend on goal youre trying to achieve. Training with weights is better for those who want to squat heavy and build size of your muscles. Yet, not all fitness gained from gym can be translated into strength in real everyday.

Pilates may not be as efficient to build muscle, however it can help build muscles that are strong and powerful throughout range of motions, helping to avoid injuries. good example of how diverse types of strength may be seen is that someone who is lifting weights could be able to lift 200kg but not be able to complete many repetitions of side laying leg extension. On other hand, people who exercise with Pilates might not be able to pull massive weights, but they can perform long isometric exercises.


If youre looking to look toned and look, Pilates as well as weight training could assist.  Toned  is term used to describe muscles that are apparent & that means having muscles that arent stuffed with fat on top. Both Pilates as well as weight training are able to help build muscles and aid in being toned. So choose which one you like most and are committed to sticking to!



The two kinds of fitness can go effectively if you want flexibility of your training.

If youre just beginning to get into exercise or are returning to exercising after an injuries, Pilates is perfect way to begin. Its gentle and mostly bodyweight activity which improves your proprioception (your bodys ability for telling position of your body within space). This will boost confidence as you begin to train for strength since having healthy body mind connection can increase your fitness. It is my opinion that Pilates could be gateway to increased moving.

If youre already proficient in your weight training routine, Pilates will help you to build strength or hypertrophy workout since youll be able to communicate to muscles you are training in deeper manner. stronger connection between mind and body is present, more youll be able to build muscles youre looking to improve. Pilates can be great addition to your hypertrophy and strength training.

The secret ingredient for any fitness program is to combine both. As much weight as you are able and also include Pilates to keep your mobility up and help you recover on rest days.


Pilates is an ideal supplement to your training program. days off are an essential element of any weight training plan, as they allow your body chance to recover and muscles chance to grow . days of rest are ideal for incorporating Pilates in your daily routine because youll be able to stay in shape and not over exert your body. Here are some examples of ways you can incorporate it into your weight training program.

If you would prefer Pilates instead of weight training then you can increase your Pilates exercises to 3 times week & then add two or three full body weight training exercises. Also, you can change it up by adding some HIIT Pilates workouts into your program. If youre looking to start an exercise routine of your own and want to get started, youll get all essential fitness equipment for weight training you will require at your local PureGym. Additionally, lot of our gyms also provide Pilates classes. So you are able to try both classes and determine what you like best or both on regular basis.

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